Trinity Slates Holiday Concert

The Sunderman Memorial Concert Series returns to Trinity Altoona next Sunday December 3 at 3PM. This special concert event will feature a quintet from the Altoona Brass Collective and advanced piano students (Josh Bueno, Ava Steinbugl, Melayna Steward, Josh Warmath) of our own Cindy Finnegan, performing a variety of Christmas and seasonal selections. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Cookies and refreshments will be available after the…

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Trinity Slates October Concert

The Sunderman Memorial Concert Series returns to Trinity Altoona Tuesday October 17th at 7PM. Bruce Vantine’s Cornerstone Chorale and Brass are a nationally auditioned professional ensemble of 20 singers, 6 instrumentalists and narrator. They team up to present more than a concert, it’s words of inspiration in a rich musical setting. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Refreshments will be available after the concert. Please join us…

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Sunderman Concerts Return to Trinity

For the first time since 2019, the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series returns to Trinity Altoona this Sunday December 11 at 3PM. This special event will feature the Wopsononock Winds and advanced piano students of our own Cindy Finnegan performing a variety of Christmas selections. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Cookies and refreshments will be available after the concert. Please join us for this special live music…

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Fall O’ My Faith @ Trinity Altoona (Updated 11.13)

Summer’s over, colorful leaves and cooler days are on the way. It’s time to “Fall O’ My Faith” at Trinity Altoona! The next installment of the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series is coming to Trinity Altoona Sunday October 13 at 3PM. Classical guitarist William Feasley will be performing “Echoes of Goya” live in our sanctuary. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Light refreshments will be served after the…

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World-Renowned Guitarist Coming to Trinity Altoona

Mark your calendars and set a reminder on your smartphone. The next installment of the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series is coming to Trinity Altoona Sunday October 13 at 3PM. Classical guitarist William Feasley will be performing “Echoes of Goya” live in our sanctuary. The Albuquerque Journal says his music features “delicious inflections of rhythm and sound color.” He’s been called a “world-class performer” and one of America’s “Top Classical Guitarists.” Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission.…

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Summer Update from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity: The Trinity Teens (Triniteens) Lock-In is coming up Friday July 26, going from 8PM Friday to 8AM Saturday. There will be food, games and lots of fun. Teens are invited to bring a friend and snacks to share with the group. This year’s Vacation Bible School is truly out of this world! The theme is “To Mars and Beyond”…taking off Sunday August 4 and landing Thursday August 8. Call the church office to sign up. Trinity’s annual Church Picnic is approaching rapidly. It’s scheduled for…

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It’s A Musical Weekend at Trinity

This weekend will be alive with the sound of music at Trinity Altoona! Saturday, The Evangelism Committee invites you to join them for a festive round of Christmas Caroling through our Juniata neighborhood. Caroling starts around 4PM, with refreshments served afterwards in Trinity Hall. All are welcome to participate 🙂 Sunday afternoon brings the next installment of The Sunderman Concert Series to our sanctuary. Claude Fabinyi will be performing a selection of Christmas pipe organ music beginning at 3PM. The concert is free to attend. Trinity’s Fellowship Committee will be…

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Celebrate Christmas at Trinity Altoona

We are halfway through November and the Christmas season is quickly approaching. It’s going to be a Delightful December at Trinity Altoona: Kick off the season by helping decorate the Christmas trees at Trinity, Friday November 30 at 6PM. Contact Debbie at 944-5706 if you are able to help. Sunday December 2 is your last chance to order Christmas poinsettias for $6.75 each. Order envelopes are available in the back of the church. Share some relaxing fellowship at our Cookies & Coffee Hour, following the 10:45AM service every Sunday during…

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Trinity Slates Spring Concert

Two students from the renowned Sunderman Conservatory at Gettysburg College will present a free music concert at Trinity Altoona, Sunday April 22 at 3PM. Nicolas de Groot is a piano major at Sunderman Conservatory. He started his musical studies in a hodge-podge fashion, taking up piano, violin, flute, bassoon, composition, and music theory through his childhood. As a freshman, Nico won the Sunderman Conservatory’s Concerto Competition. Marana Tso, a sophomore, has a double major of biochemistry and molecular biology and violin at the Sunderman Conservatory. A member of the Gettysburg…

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Trinity Announces Spring Concert

The Sunderman Memorial Concert Series continues with The Allegheny String Quartet, performing a free concert of chamber music at Trinity Lutheran, Sunday April 30 at 3PM. The quartet features Kim Cook (cello), Jeremy Klapper (violin), Genaro Medina (violin) and Lela Tsinadze (viola). Cook is professor of cello at Penn State University, and is recognized as an international concert artist. Klapper is a member of the Altoona Symphony, a former member of the Houston Symphony, and is currently a practicing pathologist at UPMC Altoona. Medina and Tsinadze serve as concertmaster and…

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