Fall O’ My Faith @ Trinity Altoona (Updated 11.13)

Summer’s over, colorful leaves and cooler days are on the way. It’s time to “Fall O’ My Faith” at Trinity Altoona!

The next installment of the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series is coming to Trinity Altoona Sunday October 13 at 3PM.

Classical guitarist William Feasley will be performing “Echoes of Goya” live in our sanctuary. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church.

Light refreshments will be served after the concert. You can read more about William at his website, williamfeasley.com.

Trinity Hall will be turned into Trinity Haunted House, Friday October 18 from 7-10PM. Admission is only $1 or the donation of a non-perishable food item to the Caring Cupboard. All proceeds benefit the Triniteens Youth Group.

The Triniteens will also be sponsoring a Paint Party, Sunday October 20 from 1-4PM in Trinity Hall. Cost is $20 with all monies raised going toward group expenses. A sign-up sheet is located outside the church office.

Trinity Altoona’s annual Family Fall Banquet is coming up Sunday October 27, featuring a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Ticket prices are $8 for persons 13+ and $5 for children ages 6-12. Children age 5 and under eat for free. Tickets are available at the church office.

Trinity’s Family Fall Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to get together with your Trinity family to share faith, food and fellowship. The banquet will start around noon, following the 10:45AM worship service. See you there!

Trinity’s “Treats from Trunks” returns this Halloween, Thursday October 31 from 6-8PM.

Anyone interested in handing out treats is asked to be at the church by 5:45PM to set up. Feel free to wear a costume and decorate your vehicle.

Treat donations can be dropped off at Trinity Hall the last 2 weeks of October. Money donations are also welcomed…please mark your envelope “Treats from Trunks.”

For more information, contact Nancy Honecker at 515-2369.

The Trinity Stitchers Sewing Group will be holding their annual Holiday Bazaar, Saturday November 9 from 9AM to 2PM in Trinity Hall.

There will be a large selection of hand-made items for sale, including Christmas ornaments, hot pads, jewelry, table runners, tea towels and much more. Linda Hoover will be preparing lunch, with proceeds going to Social Ministry. St. Andrew’s Pre-School is taking care of desert, with a variety of baked goods available for purchase.

For more information, please contact Lois Gutshall or Barb Gosnell.

Our next Paint Party featuring a “Winter Scene” is coming up Sunday November 10 from 1-4PM in Trinity Hall. Cost is $20 with all monies raised going toward Trinity’s general operating expenses. A sign-up sheet is located outside the church office.

2020 Offering Envelopes will be distributed in mid-November. If you didn’t have envelopes this year but would like a box for 2020, please contact the church office at 943-3972 or office@trinityaltoona.com.

The Triniteens Youth Group will be visiting Escape Rooms Altoona on Sunday November 17. Cost is $25 per person. The group will meet at The Escape Room, 505 E. 25th Avenue, around 5:15PM.

Trinity’s annual Congregational Meeting will be held the weekend of Saturday November 23 and Sunday November 24. The congregation will be asked to vote for council members and to approve the 2020 budget, which was included with the October mailing of The Orbit.

A classic holiday tradition returns to Trinity Altoona this year. We will be participating in the Borough of Hollidaysburg’s Winterfest Parade (Sunday 24 November 3-4PM) and the City of Altoona’s Spirit of Christmas Parade (Thursday 5 December 6-8PM). For more info, contact Adam Counterman at doormanadam@yahoo.com.

We are currently seeking sponsors for the 2019 Christmas Trees to be displayed in our sanctuary. The trees will be purchased from J&B Tree Farms on November 27 and decorated Friday November 29 at 6PM. The cost is approximately $29 per tree. If you’d like to sponsor a tree, please call the church office at 943-3972. Want to help decorate? Call Debbie at 944-5706.

The Triniteens Youth Group will be offering a little break for parents to get some shopping done over the holidays! They’ll be hosting a Movie Night for Children in kindergarten through sixth grade on Friday, December 13th from 6 to 8:30PM. Parents can take a break as their kids enjoy popcorn and hot chocolate while watching The Polar Express. The cost will be $5 per child, with proceeds going towards the Triniteens trip to the 2021 ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Our regular weekly activities include the Sewing Group (Mondays 10AM-2PM), Adult Bible Study (Tuesdays 9-10AM, Wednesdays 7-8PM), the Healthy You Program (Tuesdays and Fridays 10AM), the Crochet Group (Tuesdays 6PM) and the Prayer Breakfast (Thursdays 9AM).

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. Faith, fun and fellowship are always in season at Trinity Altoona 🙂

Updated 11.03.19x


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