News and Notes from Trinity

Catching up on what’s going on at Trinity Altoona…

  • A reminder to join us for pizza and games at Trinity Hall, tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6PM. Pizza be with you!
  • A new 7-week Adult Bible Study session starts at the end of March, focusing on the Book of Proverbs. You can choose from Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday groups. For more info, call Lisa Bradley at 943-7488.
  • Pastor Eli will be conducting a communion class for kids in second grade or above, Friday March 31 from 6-7PM in Trinity Hall. Children who attend will be able to commune for the first time on Easter Sunday.
  • There’s still time to order Easter flowers. Choose from Hyacinths, Lilies, Mums and Tulips…cost is $7 each. Order envelopes are available in the sanctuary…last day to order is Sunday April 2.
  • Sequanota Lutheran Camp has announced its Summer 2017 schedule. For more info, visit

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