Help Wanted!

The holidays are over and we’re looking for some Trinity family volunteers to help undecorate our church this Friday, January 6 at 6PM. We’ll be putting away all the Christmas decorations and will need extra help to take down the large Christmas tree and move it back up to the attic. Any and all help is appreciated!

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Help Decorate Trinity for Christmas

We’re looking for some Trinity family volunteers to decorate our beautiful church for Christmas! Our plan is to bring the tree down from the attic and set it up this Friday, November 25 at 6PM. We’ll need a few strong men (and women!) to complete this task. Then on Saturday morning November 26 at 9AM, we will decorate the tree and the rest of the church. Please come help us as we prepare for the Christmas season and the greatest gift of all: the birth of the Christ child 🙂

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