It’s A Winter Wonderland at Trinity Altoona (updated 12/27)

Winter and Christmas are nearly a month away but we’re already in the holiday spirit at Trinity Altoona! Thanks to our generous sponsors, we will once again have Christmas Trees displayed in our sanctuary this holiday season. The trees will be purchased from J&B Tree Farms Wednesday November 27 and decorated Friday November 29 at 6PM. Sunday December 1 marks the first Sunday of Advent and we’ll be celebrating with our traditional Cookie and Coffee Hour following the 8:15AM AND 10:45AM services. Please join us for caffeine, sweets and fellowship…

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Fall O’ My Faith @ Trinity Altoona (Updated 11.13)

Summer’s over, colorful leaves and cooler days are on the way. It’s time to “Fall O’ My Faith” at Trinity Altoona! The next installment of the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series is coming to Trinity Altoona Sunday October 13 at 3PM. Classical guitarist William Feasley will be performing “Echoes of Goya” live in our sanctuary. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Light refreshments will be served after the…

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Trinity Opens New Caring Cupboard

Inspired by similar efforts in the Harrisburg area, Trinity Altoona has launched a new free pantry for our Juniata neighborhood. The Caring Cupboard was suggested and built by church council member Adam Counterman. It is affixed to the N. 6th Street side of our church. Please consider donating canned/dry/boxed food, ready-to-prepare cups/pouches and personal care items. No glass items please. Feel free to stop by anytime 24/7 to place something in or take something out of The Caring Cupboard. Thanks for helping make a positive difference in our community!  

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News and Notes from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity: Easter Sunday is less than a month away but there’s still time to order your holiday flowers. Choose from Hyacinth, Lily, Mums or Tulips…the cost is $10 each. Order envelopes are located in the back of the church. Last day to order is Sunday March 18 Trinity’s Bible Study sessions resume this week, offering your choice of four weekly meeting times: 7:30-8:30PM Mondays, 9-10AM Tuesdays, 7-8PM Tuesdays or 7-8PM Wednesdays. Each group follows the same study schedule so you can attend different times each week…

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Headlines from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity Altoona: Trinity 9:30, our combined Sunday morning worship service for the summer months, will continue through August 20. Our annual church picnic is scheduled for Sunday August 27, with separate Sunday morning services (8:15AM and 10:45AM) returning on September 3. The Social Ministry Committee’s collection drive for the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society has been extended through the end of July. Our local shelter animals are depending on you, so please bring in your donations today! Trinity’s Evangelism Committee invites you to Sundae Sunday, combining ice…

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Pizza Be With You…

Trinity members, their families and friends are invited to join us for an afternoon of pizza and games at Trinity Hall, Sunday March 19 from 4-6PM. The Evangelism Committee will provide all the basic pizza ingredients and beverages. We’ll be making our own custom pizzas, so you’re welcome to bring any special toppings or snacks, along with any family-friendly games you’d like to play. RSVPs are appreciated via Facebook ( or email There is no cost to attend but donations are appreciated.

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