The Envelopes Please…

As we all know, the Lenten season is one of the most important seasons in our Christian faith.

It is a period of 40 days, starting Ash Wednesday (March 1, 2017) and ending on Easter (April 16, 2017) where we are all encouraged to give a little more. Your special offering during this time not only demonstrates good stewardship, but also shows your generosity is coming from the heart.

We have special Lenten denial envelopes available on the table by the cry room and in the back of the church. Please consider using these envelopes for your offering during this most solemn season.

Right next to the Lenten denial envelopes are the Easter Flower order envelopes. You can choose from the following flowers:

  • Hyacinths
  • Lilies
  • Mums
  • Tulips

Please write the type of flower(s) you want on your envelope and also indicate if you will be claiming your flowers after the 10:45AM service Easter Sunday (April 16).

The cost is $7 per flower. Order deadline is Sunday April 2.


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