Trinity Sets 2023 Lenten Schedule

Lent officially begins 2 weeks from Wednesday and Trinity Altoona will be providing our traditional expanded services during this most solemn season:

Lenten Schedule
This Year’s Theme: “Daily Readings and Meditation”

  • Ash Wednesday February 22: 12 Noon and 6:30PM
  • Wednesday March 1: 12 Noon and 6:30PM
  • Wednesday March 8: 12 Noon and 6:30PM
  • Wednesday March 15: 12 Noon and 6:30PM
  • Wednesday March 22: 12 Noon and 6:30PM
  • Wednesday March 29: 12 Noon and 6:30PM


Holy Week Schedule
Sunday April 2

  • 8:15AM Palm Sunday Worship Service
  • 10:45AM Palm Sunday Worship Service

Wednesday April 5

  • 12 Noon Lenten Worship Service
  • 6:30PM Lenten Worship Service

Thursday April 6

  • 12 Noon Maundy Thursday Worship Service
  • 6:30PM Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Friday April 7

  • 12 Noon Good Friday Worship Service
  • 6:30PM Good Friday Worship Service

Saturday April 8

  • 6:30PM Holy Saturday Worship Service


Easter Schedule
Sunday April 9

  • 6:30AM Easter Sunrise Worship Service
  • 8:15AM Easter Breakfast
  • 10:45AM Easter Worship Service


We invite you to worship with us during these special Lenten services and our regular weekly services: 6:30PM Saturdays, 8:15AM Sundays and 10:45AM Sundays.



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