Good News from Trinity!

Let’s brighten up our Monday with some Good News: Congratulations to Debbie Garritano on the birth of her granddaughter Madeline Rose Hamilton, born last Tuesday January 24. Mother and baby are doing well…grandmother is beaming ear-to-ear! Kudos to Harry (Jim) Buchanan III on his recent promotion to Command Sergeants Major for the Pennsylvania National Guard. Thank you for your service to our great country! If you have Good News to share (new baby, new job, birthday, graduation, anything positive!), please email or message us on Facebook 🙂

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Good News! from Trinity

We’re launching a positive new feature on our website and Facebook platforms. It’s called Good News! from Trinity. The name pretty much sums it up. We want to share good news about Trinity members and their families, including: Athletic Accomplishments Birthdays Births College Graduations Continuing Education (taking a night class or online course?) Engagements High School Graduations Honor Roll/Dean’s List Moves (moving to a new home or a new city?) New Jobs/Promotions Vacations (especially to exotic destinations!) Volunteering Wedding Anniversaries Weddings We’d love to see pictures too, so feel free…

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Help Wanted!

The holidays are over and we’re looking for some Trinity family volunteers to help undecorate our church this Friday, January 6 at 6PM. We’ll be putting away all the Christmas decorations and will need extra help to take down the large Christmas tree and move it back up to the attic. Any and all help is appreciated!

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