Sunny Forecast for Church Picnic

The current weather forecast calls for a mostly sunny and beautiful day this Sunday, August 27. A perfect day for Trinity Altoona’s annual Church Picnic at Legion Park Pavilion #1 in Hollidaysburg! Plan to join us for worship service at 11AM (this will be the only worship service this weekend), followed by our picnic and games for all ages. The Fellowship Committee will serve up pulled pork sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs and beverages. All attendees are encouraged to bring a hot or cold covered dish. See you Sunday morning…

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Vacation Bible School Returns Sunday

Trinity Altoona’s Vacation Bible School, for children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, will be running nightly from 6-8PM Sunday August 6 through Thursday August 10. This year the children will be exploring Bible passages and looking at what the church is like in our companion synod in Kenya. As usual, there will be Bible stories, snacks, games, crafts, puppets, music and lots of fun with friends old and new. We’re currently looking for donations that will be used for nightly refreshments. The list includes animal crackers, bottled water, fresh fruit…

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