Have Fun This Fall at Trinity Altoona!

Fall is here and the Trinity calendar is full of fun and worthwhile activities: October is Pastor Appreciation Month and we’re helping Pastor Eli help two of her favorite charities: The Central Pennsylvania Humane Society and Mending Hearts Animal Rescue. We’re looking for cat and dog food, treats, kitty litter, cleaning supplies and more to help fill Pastor’s truck! The Trinity Junior-Senior High Lock-In is coming up Saturday October 20. All junior and senior high students are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. Pizza and drinks will be provided.…

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Get Stuffed at Trinity’s Fall Banquet

Trinity Altoona’s annual Family Fall Banquet is coming up Sunday October 14, featuring a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Ticket prices are $7 for persons 13+ and $5 for children ages 5-12. Children under age 5 eat for free. For tickets, see fellowship committee members Sharon Kutz, Joanna Lewis, Ted Williams or Harry Yeager. Tickets are also available at the church office. The last day to purchase tickets is Sunday October 7. Trinity’s Family Fall Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to get together with your Trinity family to…

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