Celebrate Christmas at Trinity!

Christmas is hours away and we’re celebrating with 3 Christmas Eve candlelight worship services this evening. The 5PM service will feature the children’s hand chimes, the 7PM service the adult hand chimes and choir, and the 10PM service special music. You can also join us for our traditional pajama-friendly 9AM Christmas Day service 🙂 Come share the joy of Christmas at Trinity Altoona! In case you can’t make it to church, we invite you to watch last year’s traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service, recorded 12/24/20. Our apologies for the technical…

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Trinity Unwraps Christmas Schedule

Christmas is just two weeks away and Trinity Altoona invites you to celebrate with us. We have three worship services scheduled for Christmas Eve, along with our traditional pajama-friendly Christmas Day service: Friday December 24 5PM Features Youth Chimes and Special Music 7PM Features Adult Choir and Adult Chimes 10PM Features Special Music   Saturday December 25 9AM Please join us this Christmas at Trinity!  

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