Synod Food Drive Underway

The Allegheny Synod’s 6th annual non-perishable food drive is approaching halftime. The 40,000 Can Challenge launched on Advent Sunday December 1 and wraps up Super Bowl Sunday February 2, inviting all synod churches to gather food items for their local communities. Trinity Altoona is proud to participate in this worthy endeavor. Please bring your donations to church and leave them in the adult Sunday School room upstairs or Trinity Hall downstairs. Most of our donations will go to work right here in our Juniata neighborhood. They’ll be placed in our…

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Have Fun This Fall at Trinity Altoona!

Fall is here and the Trinity calendar is full of fun and worthwhile activities: October is Pastor Appreciation Month and we’re helping Pastor Eli help two of her favorite charities: The Central Pennsylvania Humane Society and Mending Hearts Animal Rescue. We’re looking for cat and dog food, treats, kitty litter, cleaning supplies and more to help fill Pastor’s truck! The Trinity Junior-Senior High Lock-In is coming up Saturday October 20. All junior and senior high students are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. Pizza and drinks will be provided.…

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Share The Joy of a Toy This Christmas

Christmas is coming and Trinity Altoona is once again happy to be a part of the Toys for Tots campaign. Our mission is to help every child receive “The Joy of a Toy!” The Toys for Tots collection will continue through Sunday December 3. Please bring new, unwrapped toys for children 0-13 and place them in the boxes inside our Sixth Street entrance. Learn more about Toys for Tots by visiting their official website at

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Headlines from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity Altoona: Trinity 9:30, our combined Sunday morning worship service for the summer months, will continue through August 20. Our annual church picnic is scheduled for Sunday August 27, with separate Sunday morning services (8:15AM and 10:45AM) returning on September 3. The Social Ministry Committee’s collection drive for the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society has been extended through the end of July. Our local shelter animals are depending on you, so please bring in your donations today! Trinity’s Evangelism Committee invites you to Sundae Sunday, combining ice…

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Fill Pastor’s Truck, Help Local Shelter Pets

2017 marks the 20th anniversary of Pastor Hess’s ordination. Trinity Altoona’s Social Ministry Committee is recognizing that milestone by holding a month-long collection drive for one of our Pastor’s favorite organizations: The Central Pennsylvania Humane Society. All this June, Trinity will be collecting such items as dog and puppy food, cat and kitten food, treats, toys, cat litter and flea and tick treatments. The CPHS can also use supplies like antibacterial hand soap, blankets, newspapers, paper towels, towels etc. All items will be accepted. Collection boxes are located at Trinity…

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