Trinity Launches YouTube Channel

Trinity Altoona is pleased to expand our ministry to reach our congregation, their families and new friends across the globe via the video-sharing site YouTube. We plan to embed all of our YouTube content right here on our website as well. Please share with your family and friends 🙂 Above: Organist Cindy and Pastor Eli enjoy a nice post-service chat in the sanctuary. Below: Watch our first-ever official livestream service, recorded Sunday 22 March 2020 at Trinity Altoona…  

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Trinity News Update 1/15/20

Mark your calendars for Trinity’s Souper Bowl Sunday, kicking off after the 10:45AM service January 26 in Trinity Hall. You’re invited to bring your favorite soup (and recipe) to share. A donation of $1 lets you sample as many soups as you like, with all monies raised going toward the annual Ladies’ Retreat at Camp Sequanota. For more information, please contact Angela Counterman at 312-8036 or The Triniteens youth group will be going Roller Skating, Friday February 7 from 6-8PM at Morrison’s Cove Memorial Park. The group will meet…

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Synod Food Drive Underway

The Allegheny Synod’s 6th annual non-perishable food drive is approaching halftime. The 40,000 Can Challenge launched on Advent Sunday December 1 and wraps up Super Bowl Sunday February 2, inviting all synod churches to gather food items for their local communities. Trinity Altoona is proud to participate in this worthy endeavor. Please bring your donations to church and leave them in the adult Sunday School room upstairs or Trinity Hall downstairs. Most of our donations will go to work right here in our Juniata neighborhood. They’ll be placed in our…

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It’s A Winter Wonderland at Trinity Altoona (updated 12/27)

Winter and Christmas are nearly a month away but we’re already in the holiday spirit at Trinity Altoona! Thanks to our generous sponsors, we will once again have Christmas Trees displayed in our sanctuary this holiday season. The trees will be purchased from J&B Tree Farms Wednesday November 27 and decorated Friday November 29 at 6PM. Sunday December 1 marks the first Sunday of Advent and we’ll be celebrating with our traditional Cookie and Coffee Hour following the 8:15AM AND 10:45AM services. Please join us for caffeine, sweets and fellowship…

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Fall O’ My Faith @ Trinity Altoona (Updated 11.13)

Summer’s over, colorful leaves and cooler days are on the way. It’s time to “Fall O’ My Faith” at Trinity Altoona! The next installment of the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series is coming to Trinity Altoona Sunday October 13 at 3PM. Classical guitarist William Feasley will be performing “Echoes of Goya” live in our sanctuary. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Light refreshments will be served after the…

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Trinity Opens New Caring Cupboard

Inspired by similar efforts in the Harrisburg area, Trinity Altoona has launched a new free pantry for our Juniata neighborhood. The Caring Cupboard was suggested and built by church council member Adam Counterman. It is affixed to the N. 6th Street side of our church. Please consider donating canned/dry/boxed food, ready-to-prepare cups/pouches and personal care items. No glass items please. Feel free to stop by anytime 24/7 to place something in or take something out of The Caring Cupboard. Thanks for helping make a positive difference in our community!  

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It’s A Musical Weekend at Trinity

This weekend will be alive with the sound of music at Trinity Altoona! Saturday, The Evangelism Committee invites you to join them for a festive round of Christmas Caroling through our Juniata neighborhood. Caroling starts around 4PM, with refreshments served afterwards in Trinity Hall. All are welcome to participate 🙂 Sunday afternoon brings the next installment of The Sunderman Concert Series to our sanctuary. Claude Fabinyi will be performing a selection of Christmas pipe organ music beginning at 3PM. The concert is free to attend. Trinity’s Fellowship Committee will be…

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Celebrate Christmas at Trinity Altoona

We are halfway through November and the Christmas season is quickly approaching. It’s going to be a Delightful December at Trinity Altoona: Kick off the season by helping decorate the Christmas trees at Trinity, Friday November 30 at 6PM. Contact Debbie at 944-5706 if you are able to help. Sunday December 2 is your last chance to order Christmas poinsettias for $6.75 each. Order envelopes are available in the back of the church. Share some relaxing fellowship at our Cookies & Coffee Hour, following the 10:45AM service every Sunday during…

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Have Fun This Fall at Trinity Altoona!

Fall is here and the Trinity calendar is full of fun and worthwhile activities: October is Pastor Appreciation Month and we’re helping Pastor Eli help two of her favorite charities: The Central Pennsylvania Humane Society and Mending Hearts Animal Rescue. We’re looking for cat and dog food, treats, kitty litter, cleaning supplies and more to help fill Pastor’s truck! The Trinity Junior-Senior High Lock-In is coming up Saturday October 20. All junior and senior high students are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. Pizza and drinks will be provided.…

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