Trinity Slates Holiday Concert

The Sunderman Memorial Concert Series returns to Trinity Altoona next Sunday December 3 at 3PM. This special concert event will feature a quintet from the Altoona Brass Collective and advanced piano students (Josh Bueno, Ava Steinbugl, Melayna Steward, Josh Warmath) of our own Cindy Finnegan, performing a variety of Christmas and seasonal selections. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Cookies and refreshments will be available after the…

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Trinity Slates October Concert

The Sunderman Memorial Concert Series returns to Trinity Altoona Tuesday October 17th at 7PM. Bruce Vantine’s Cornerstone Chorale and Brass are a nationally auditioned professional ensemble of 20 singers, 6 instrumentalists and narrator. They team up to present more than a concert, it’s words of inspiration in a rich musical setting. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Refreshments will be available after the concert. Please join us…

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Sunderman Concerts Return to Trinity

For the first time since 2019, the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series returns to Trinity Altoona this Sunday December 11 at 3PM. This special event will feature the Wopsononock Winds and advanced piano students of our own Cindy Finnegan performing a variety of Christmas selections. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Cookies and refreshments will be available after the concert. Please join us for this special live music…

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Halloween Events at Trinity Altoona

Halloween is coming and we’ve got lots of spooky treats in store at Trinity Altoona! Trinity’s annual Treats from Trunks returns this Thursday! You can donate bagged candy or other snacks to be handed out on Altoona’s Trick-or-Treat Night, Thursday October 27 from 6 to 8PM. If you’d like to help out at the event, please park near the church by 5:45PM. Feel free to wear a costume and/or decorate your vehicle. The Triniteens youth group is bringing back it’s successful Haunted House fundraiser Saturday November 5 from 8-11PM. Admission…

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Trinity’s Annual Blessing of the Animals Gets Two Paws Up

After “paws”ing last year due to a scheduling issue, Trinity Altoona’s Blessing of the Animals returned yesterday to an enthusiastic crowd of our four-legged friends and their two-legged families. Pastor Eli led the service with a brief reading, following by the blessing of each animal in attendance and a blanket blessing for those unable to attend “in person.” Photos courtesy Lori Matta-Rhode and T. Settle.

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Trinity Unveils Halloween Event Schedule

Halloween is coming and we’ve got lots of spooky treats in store at Trinity Altoona! Trinity Youth Troop will be holding their Halloween Party this Friday from 6 to 7:30PM in Trinity Hall. The group and event is open to all elementary school-aged children. The Triniteens youth group is bringing back it’s successful Haunted House fundraiser this Saturday from 8-10:30PM. Admission is $1 or donation of a non-perishable item to our Caring Cupboard. Popcorn and hot chocolate will be available for purchase. The group also welcomes donations of cookies and…

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Trinity Closed Through March

Due to growing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), your church council voted last evening to close our church for all worship services and activities at least through the end of the month. The church office will remain open and Pastor Hess will be available as usual as we work together to deal with this crisis. We are planning to live stream a worship service on Facebook this Sunday morning at 9:30AM. Please stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for updates. As always, you can support…

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Trinity News Update 1/15/20

Mark your calendars for Trinity’s Souper Bowl Sunday, kicking off after the 10:45AM service January 26 in Trinity Hall. You’re invited to bring your favorite soup (and recipe) to share. A donation of $1 lets you sample as many soups as you like, with all monies raised going toward the annual Ladies’ Retreat at Camp Sequanota. For more information, please contact Angela Counterman at 312-8036 or The Triniteens youth group will be going Roller Skating, Friday February 7 from 6-8PM at Morrison’s Cove Memorial Park. The group will meet…

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Fall O’ My Faith @ Trinity Altoona (Updated 11.13)

Summer’s over, colorful leaves and cooler days are on the way. It’s time to “Fall O’ My Faith” at Trinity Altoona! The next installment of the Sunderman Memorial Concert Series is coming to Trinity Altoona Sunday October 13 at 3PM. Classical guitarist William Feasley will be performing “Echoes of Goya” live in our sanctuary. Funding for the concert is being provided by the Dr. William Sunderman Endowment, so there is no charge for admission. Sunderman is a deceased member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Light refreshments will be served after the…

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