Trinity Closed Through March

Due to growing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), your church council voted last evening to close our church for all worship services and activities at least through the end of the month. The church office will remain open and Pastor Hess will be available as usual as we work together to deal with this crisis. We are planning to live stream a worship service on Facebook this Sunday morning at 9:30AM. Please stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for updates. As always, you can support…

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Headlines from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity Altoona: Trinity 9:30, our combined Sunday morning worship service for the summer months, will continue through August 20. Our annual church picnic is scheduled for Sunday August 27, with separate Sunday morning services (8:15AM and 10:45AM) returning on September 3. The Social Ministry Committee’s collection drive for the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society has been extended through the end of July. Our local shelter animals are depending on you, so please bring in your donations today! Trinity’s Evangelism Committee invites you to Sundae Sunday, combining ice…

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Good News! from Trinity

We’re launching a positive new feature on our website and Facebook platforms. It’s called Good News! from Trinity. The name pretty much sums it up. We want to share good news about Trinity members and their families, including: Athletic Accomplishments Birthdays Births College Graduations Continuing Education (taking a night class or online course?) Engagements High School Graduations Honor Roll/Dean’s List Moves (moving to a new home or a new city?) New Jobs/Promotions Vacations (especially to exotic destinations!) Volunteering Wedding Anniversaries Weddings We’d love to see pictures too, so feel free…

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