Summer Update from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity: The Trinity Teens (Triniteens) Lock-In is coming up Friday July 26, going from 8PM Friday to 8AM Saturday. There will be food, games and lots of fun. Teens are invited to bring a friend and snacks to share with the group. This year’s Vacation Bible School is truly out of this world! The theme is “To Mars and Beyond”…taking off Sunday August 4 and landing Thursday August 8. Call the church office to sign up. Trinity’s annual Church Picnic is approaching rapidly. It’s scheduled for…

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Have Fun This Fall at Trinity Altoona!

Fall is here and the Trinity calendar is full of fun and worthwhile activities: October is Pastor Appreciation Month and we’re helping Pastor Eli help two of her favorite charities: The Central Pennsylvania Humane Society and Mending Hearts Animal Rescue. We’re looking for cat and dog food, treats, kitty litter, cleaning supplies and more to help fill Pastor’s truck! The Trinity Junior-Senior High Lock-In is coming up Saturday October 20. All junior and senior high students are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. Pizza and drinks will be provided.…

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Vacation Bible School Returns Sunday

Trinity Altoona’s Vacation Bible School, for children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, will be running nightly from 6-8PM Sunday August 6 through Thursday August 10. This year the children will be exploring Bible passages and looking at what the church is like in our companion synod in Kenya. As usual, there will be Bible stories, snacks, games, crafts, puppets, music and lots of fun with friends old and new. We’re currently looking for donations that will be used for nightly refreshments. The list includes animal crackers, bottled water, fresh fruit…

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News and Notes from Trinity

Catching up on what’s going on at Trinity Altoona… A reminder to join us for pizza and games at Trinity Hall, tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6PM. Pizza be with you! A new 7-week Adult Bible Study session starts at the end of March, focusing on the Book of Proverbs. You can choose from Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday groups. For more info, call Lisa Bradley at 943-7488. Pastor Eli will be conducting a communion class for kids in second grade or above, Friday March 31 from 6-7PM in Trinity Hall.…

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