Children’s Sunday School


Trinity boasts an outstanding Sunday School program (9:30-10:30AM) for children between the ages of three and 12. Regular attendees find themselves well-prepared for confirmation classes which begin in grade seven.

From Rally Day in September through early June, the boys and girls gather in the large room next to the sanctuary at 9:30AM for opening exercises which include the praying of the Lord’s Prayer, birthday celebrations and varied activities like Bible trivia contests, discussions about a variety of topics including the Ten Commandments, seasons of the church year and the like.

The class with the most attendees wins the traveling attendance trophy each week. Children who achieve perfect attendance in a given month earn a tasty prize, have their group photo published in the Trinity newsletter and their names posted in the Sunday School room.

Following opening exercises, our students report to their classrooms where they learn a Bible story each week, complete craft projects, etc. We have an early childhood class (ages three-kindergarten); a lower grades class (for kids in first and second grade); a middle grades class for children in grades 3 and 4; and for boys and girls in grades 5 and 6, an upper grades class.

Children who attend Sunday School are regularly encouraged to become active in the life of the church. They have an opportunity to sing in a Children’s Choir and participate in a hand chime choir at Christmas and Easter. The older boys and girls can also serve as acolytes and lectors during worship services. Opportunities to participate in the Trinity Puppeteers are also available throughout the year.

For more information on Trinity Sunday School, please contact the church office at 814.943.3972.
