Get Involved!

There are many ways to share your spiritual gifts at Trinity Altoona. From serving on church council to joining one or more of our numerous committees, you can put your passions and skills to work serving our church and community:

  • The Christian Ed Committee oversees the various education programs within Trinity, including Bible Study, Adult/Youth Sunday School and the Puppet Program
  • The Evangelism Committee helps spread the gospel through various outreach efforts including Neighborhood Cleanup and Spring Fling.
  • The Fellowship Committee plans and executes such events as our annual Church Picnic, Easter Breakfast and Fall Banquet.
  • The Finance Committee prepares the annual church budget and schedules weekly money counters
  • The Property Committee is responsible for maintenance of the church buildings and grounds.  Contact person is Bill Mallory at 814.946.0833
  • The Social Ministry Committee works to address social issues in the community, including collections for local food banks and transition houses. Call Sharon Kutz at 814.943.0929 for more info
  • The Stewardship Committee focuses on responsible planning and management of resources, including ecology and finance.
  • The Worship & Music Committee is in charge of the altar and special worship services. Learn more by contacting Debbie Garritano at 814.944.5706

You can also take part in our regular weekly activities, including Adult Bible Study (9AM Tuesdays and 7PM Wednesdays), Crochet Group (6PM Tuesdays), Healthy You Program (10AM Tuesdays and Fridays), Prayer Breakfast (9AM Thursdays) and Sewing Group (10AM Mondays).

For more information, please call our church office at 814.943.3972.

