Introducing: In Memoriam

As the past year-and-a-half has reminded us, one of the most precious blessings we have is our family and friends. Following Trinity’s successful Memorial Marker campaign (the engraved brass plates on the pews), we are pleased to announce a new feature on our website: In Memoriam.

In Memoriam is an alphabetical listing of departed individuals who were members/attendees of Trinity Altoona. Click on each name and you’re taken to their memorial page on, a website containing over 180 million burial records from cemeteries all over the world. It’s owned by the genealogy company

We launched In Memoriam with approximately 40 listings and welcome your contributions. Simply e-mail with the person’s name and the cemetery where they are interred. If you have a photo of them, we will be happy to add it to their memorial on….please attach the photo (.JPG format) to your email. We can also make arrangements to scan the photo for you.

Thanks for your continued support of Trinity Altoona, Keeping The Faith Since 1886.


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