Worship With Us This Sunday

Trinity Altoona invites you to join us on Facebook Live for our Sunday morning worship service. Pastor Eli will be accompanied by organist Cindy Finnegan as we celebrate The Second Sunday of Christmas. You can follow along with the service by using our “virtual” bulletin, which is displayed below. Barring any technical difficulties, our worship service will air live on Facebook starting at approximately 9:30AM tomorrow morning. It will be available on demand via Facebook shortly after the livestream ends. We will also publish it here on TrinityAltoona.com and our…

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Worship With Us This Weekend

Trinity Altoona invites you to join us on Facebook Live for our Sunday morning worship service. Pastor Eli will be accompanied by organist Cindy Finnegan as we share lessons and carols on The Sunday After Christmas. You can follow along with the service by using our “virtual” bulletin, which is displayed below. Barring any technical difficulties, our worship service will air live on Facebook starting at approximately 9:30AM tomorrow morning. It will be available on demand via Facebook shortly after the livestream ends. We will also publish it here on…

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Celebrate Christmas Eve with Trinity Online

It’s Christmas Eve and although we’re can’t worship together in person this year, we invite you to join us tonight at 6PM on Facebook Live for our traditional candlelight worship service. Pastor Eli will be accompanied by organist Cindy Finnegan playing many of our favorite Christmas hymns. You can follow along with the service by using our “virtual” bulletin and hymnal which are displayed below. Barring any technical difficulties, our worship service will air live on Facebook starting at approximately 6:00PM. It will be available on demand via Facebook shortly…

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Trinity Goes Virtual Starting Christmas Eve

Due to growing concerns about the uptick in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, your church council voted last week to close our church for all worship services and activities at least through the end of January 2021. The church office will remain open and Pastor Hess will be available as usual as we work together to deal with this situation. We will once again be live streaming our worship service Sunday mornings at 9:30AM on Facebook Live. The service will also be available here and on YouTube later in the day. As…

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