Celebrate Christmas at Trinity

Christmas is only days away and we have a full weekend of events in store at Trinity Altoona. Tonight (Friday) is all about the kids, starting with a Pizza Bar Fundraiser Dinner in Trinity Hall from 5:30 to 6:30PM. The cost is only $5 and all monies raised go to help send our Trinity youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston next summer. After dinner, come up to the sanctuary for the annual Children’s Christmas program starting at 7PM. It features songs and skits from Trinity’s Sunday School classes,…

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An October to Remember at Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening this month @ Trinity: Meow! Woof! Pastor Eli will hold the annual Blessing of the Animals this Sunday October 8 at 1PM in the back barking…err…parking lot. Bring your cats, dogs and other beloved pets to Trinity as we remember St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. If it rains, the ceremony will be held indoors in the large Sunday School room. The Allegheny Synod will be holding a special festival at Legion Park in Hollidaysburg on Saturday, October 14, commemorating the 500th anniversary of the…

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Trinity Sunday Services Return

Trinity Altoona’s early and late Sunday morning worship services return this weekend. Beginning tomorrow (September 3), the 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM services are back on their regular schedule. Trinity has been holding a special combined 9:30AM service the past several months of summer. Please join us for worship this weekend: 6:30PM Saturday, 8:15AM Sunday or 10:45AM Sunday. See you in church!

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Sunny Forecast for Church Picnic

The current weather forecast calls for a mostly sunny and beautiful day this Sunday, August 27. A perfect day for Trinity Altoona’s annual Church Picnic at Legion Park Pavilion #1 in Hollidaysburg! Plan to join us for worship service at 11AM (this will be the only worship service this weekend), followed by our picnic and games for all ages. The Fellowship Committee will serve up pulled pork sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs and beverages. All attendees are encouraged to bring a hot or cold covered dish. See you Sunday morning…

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Headlines from Trinity Altoona

Here’s what’s happening at Trinity Altoona: Trinity 9:30, our combined Sunday morning worship service for the summer months, will continue through August 20. Our annual church picnic is scheduled for Sunday August 27, with separate Sunday morning services (8:15AM and 10:45AM) returning on September 3. The Social Ministry Committee’s collection drive for the Central Pennsylvania Humane Society has been extended through the end of July. Our local shelter animals are depending on you, so please bring in your donations today! Trinity’s Evangelism Committee invites you to Sundae Sunday, combining ice…

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Trinity Plans Special Sunday Services

Trinity Altoona will be holding special combined Sunday morning worship services June 18 and 25 at 9:30AM. Pastor Hess and your church council have discussed the idea of a single Sunday service over the past several months and will be testing it for two weeks this summer. The benefits of Trinity 9:30: A combined service gives a little break to church staff Having one service helps your church save money on cooling, electricity and printing costs The opportunity for Trinity members to meet new faces from the 8:15AM and 10:45AM…

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Celebrate Holy Week at Trinity Altoona

We have a very busy week ahead at Trinity Altoona. Please plan to join us for one or more services during Holy Week 2017: Saturday April 8 6:30PM Palm Sunday Worship Service Sunday April 9 8:15AM Palm Sunday Worship Service 9:30AM Sunday School 10:45AM Palm Sunday Worship Service Wednesday April 12 12 Noon Lenten Worship Service 6:30PM Lenten Worship Service Thursday April 13 12 Noon Maundy Thursday Worship Service 6:30PM Maundy Thursday Worship Service Friday April 14 12 Noon Good Friday Worship Service 6:30PM Good Friday Worship Service Saturday April…

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Trinity Announces Lenten Calendar

Lent is almost upon us and Trinity will be providing their traditional expanded services during this most solemn season. Here is our 2017 Lenten schedule: Ash Wednesday March 1: 12 Noon and 6:30PM Wednesday March 8: 12 Noon and 6:30PM Wednesday March 15: 12 Noon and 6:30PM Wednesday March 22: 12 Noon and 6:30PM Wednesday March 29: 12 Noon and 6:30PM Wednesday April 5: 12 Noon and 6:30PM Wednesday April 12: 12 Noon and 6:30PM We invite you to join us for these special services.

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Celebrate Christmas @Trinity

Christmas is just two weeks away! We hope you will celebrate the birth of the Christ child by attending Trinity Altoona on Christmas weekend. On Friday December 23, the Evangelism Committee will host Christmas Caroling in our Juniata neighborhood. Dress according to the weather and bring your voice to make a joyful noise! The fun starts at 6PM and we’ll be serving refreshments afterwards in Trinity Hall. You can message us here (email trinity@altoona.org) or on Facebook if you’re planning to attend. We have Christmas Eve candlelight worship services Saturday…

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